University Gifts & Hospitality Policy requires that a formal record be kept of gifts and hospitality received or provided by University staff or associated persons that exceed the self-approval threshold of £100*. It is also necessary to record the details of any series of gifts or hospitality that in cumulative total exceed £100 over any rolling 12 month period and are accepted from the same source or provided to the same person or body.
It is not the intention that every trivial item be recorded. Particularly in respect of the cumulative threshold, departments have some discretion to determine whether it is necessary to make a record - where the threshold is exceeded as a result of providing a series of light refreshments, teas or coffees, for example, then departments may decide it is unnecessary to make a record.
A template Gifts and Hospitality Form ( , 182kb) and Gifts and Hospitality Register ( , 13kb) are provided for departments to record all required details, which must be done within 28 days of the receipt concerned. Departments may decide to use either the form or the register, or both (depending upon what works best) but are expected to keep the content under constant review and will be requested to forward copies of the records made annually to the Registrar, or a nominated delegate. Records must be maintained in a complete, up to date, and accurate manner. The information may be published at the discretion of the University, requested for review by Internal Audit, or made available under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
The responsibility for keeping this record lies with Heads of Division, Heads of Department and Heads of University Services.